Construction supervision of landscaping civil engineering
We have the skills to take design concepts and turn them into reality.
We are actively working on ISO9001 to improve operational efficiency. Improving safety are also an important part of our operations. It is of prime importance that everyone involved in construction safely returns home every day. Through our understanding of the characteristics of environmental conditions, the land, and nature We have successfully harmonized the requirements of plants, trees, and people. Our on-site management capabilities encompass all aspects of landscaping from construction, plantsmanship, and safety management and we deliver the space intended by the designer.
Order Fulfillment
- Construction supervision of landscaping and civil engineering work appointed by government agencies
- Construction supervision of landscaping work for general contractors and private companies
- Planting work for apartment buildings and housing projects

Maintenance and management of plantscapes
Amenity Horticulture is the establishment and lifelong care of plants in public and private environments. Often this care and management of plants as they grow takes on an even greater importance than the initial “how to design it”. The preriod immediately after construction is the most severe for plants. From there, we will consider how to provide and maintain the ideal condition, consider both the functionality of life and the landscape, and maximize each plant’s potential. It is important to promote and support the continued healthy growth and development of each plant and tree throughout the four seasons and continue to create future landscapes while watching the process over a span of the years to come.
Order Fulfillment
- Maintenance and management of the plant environment of the research institute in Tsukuba Science City
- Maintenance and management of major road trees in Tsukuba City, Tsuchiura City and surrounding areas
- Planting management of construction properties inside and outside Ibaraki
- Planting management of apartment buildings and housing complexes
- * For private residences,
we have temporarily suspended the reception of new guests

Planning and Design
Working together with our clients, we help the creation of the ideal exterior space and garden. Landscape design is the work of creating the joy of daily life brought about by harmonizing with the world of plants.
Japan’s concept of “garden” has attracted attention from all over the world. While incorporating borrowed landscapes and imitating natural landscapes, each element, such as plantings, stones, streams, and mountains, is based on the methods that our ancestors pursued in our culture. On the other hand, the ideal form of gardens in our modern lives is changing. We even feel that the impact of time spent harmonizing with the world of plants is getting bigger every year. We believe the landscaping design should have a perspective that incorporates new values while preserving Japan’s historical legacy.
Order Fulfillment
- Plant landscape design and the design of living environment
- Planting plan for large-scale commercial facilities

Development and sales of environmental materials
We develop and sell materials that promote greening in urban areas. We have established large-scale fields utilizing abandoned farmland and are developing products in collaboration with other companies. Taking advantage of our strengths in consistently performing development, sales, and construction, we aim to develop products that reflect the voices of the field and renew landscaping materials in Japan by utilizing our nationwide network.
- Lawn Greening Palette
- Rooftop greening materials
- Weed Control Sheet
- Underground columns etc.

Plant Resource Recycling
When we think of “plants” as another way of life for “animals,” we feel the magnitude of their existence as living creatures. Their energy is great. How many people in today’s society enjoy the joy of finding new buds wet with morning dew and the fresh beauty of growing 30 centimeters in one summer?
Plants play a very important role when facing global environmental problems. We have established a plant resource recycling center in Tsukuba City, aiming to contribute to a sustainable society and proposing our lifestyle that should be together with plants.
○Recycling of plant waste material throughout the Ibaraki Prefecture
- Large scale Shredding of plant waste material
- Cooperation with organic farmers to produce quality compost and growing materials
○Proposal of sustainable lifestyle
- Realization of a lifestyle that lives with plants
- Production and sales of non-fossil fuels